Summer Mowing 8x10 in. oil $360
Painting outdoors is my most pleasurable activity. I love being out in warm weather enjoying the sites, smells and sounds of nature. Painting "plein air" is challenging. The light changes quickly, and in this case, my model didn't stay still very long. I consider my plein air pieces to be studies of light and color to take back to the studio, along with a photograph of the scene, with the possibility of creating from it. But occasionally (and in this case) I'm happy with the painting as it is. If I repainted it, I'm sure I'd lose the looseness and immediacy of the piece. My strategy here was pretty simple: get my model in before she moved and then paint the scene around her. She happens to be "Patches," Rock Ledge Ranch's resident jersey. It was a perfect morning of painting in the company of some favorite artist friends.
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